Saturday, June 2, 2018

Our new marching song with lyrics

Look, listen and then sing with us!

This karaoke made by Vislav is a record of our very first attempt to sing LXXIR's new marching song together. It was our first and only run-through before grand parade at Natali di Roma 2018.

The melody and the first two lines are from Ben Hur (2016 film) - from a famous scene of Roman soldiers marching into Jerusalem (with small changes).The rest of the Latin text is our own lame poetry, except the last stanza which is an old Latin proverb.
We plan to add a few lines more and we are open for any hints and ideas.
Latin song writers, carry on! :)
Write down your verses in the comments below.

Lyrics with English translation:

Supra terram Batavorum [Over Batavian land]
- Supra terram Batavorum
Volat aquila legionum [the eagle of the legions is flying]
- Volat aquila legionum

Legio! Rapax! Victrix!

In cordibus barbarorum [Into barbarian hearts]
- In cordibus barbarorum
Tendunt pila et pugiones [pila and pugiones are aiming]
- Tendunt pila et pugiones

Tigres sumus et milites [We are tigers and soldiers]
- Tigres sumus et milites
Non ploramus, non fugimus [We do not complain and do not run away]
- Non ploramus, non fugimus

Cacai, ecce accusatio: [Cacaius, this is an accusation]
-Cacai, ecce accusatio:
Amas pueros, es fellator [You love boys, you are cocksucker]
- Amas pueros, es fellator

[Cacaius is our Centurio]

And a few additional verses not included in the karaoke:

Legio Vicesima Prima [XXIst Legion]
- Legio Vicesima Prima
Filia Martis et Bellonae [Daughter of Mars and Bellona]
- Filia Martis et Bellonae


Rapax Raetiam sube-e-git [Rapax conquered Raetia]
- Rapax Raetiam sube-e-git
Ad maiorem Romae gloriam [For the greater glory of Rome]
- Ad maiorem Romae gloriam

Miles bellum est paratus [A soldier is ready for war]
- Miles bellum est paratus
Et in articulo mortis [and to die]
- et in articulo mortis

Et non culum batum belli [queers do not go to war]
- et non culum batum belli
Culum batum, culum mortis [fag that goes, fag that dies]
- culum batum, culum mortis

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